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Privacy Policy

As a patient of the The Caring Chiropractor we will need to hold personal information about you (name, address, medical history, GP information, etc). The information is used solely for this business only and we aim to be compliant with GDPR. Information is normally stored safely at the practice as paper records and electronic notes via our secure encrypted online clinic diary system, Cliniko. Computer and Cliniko access are strictly accessed by the passwords held by the practitioner only and 2 factor authentication is used for Cliniko. If X-Rays/MRIs are requested, these together with their reports are held either digitally or via paper record.


This data is held solely for the purpose of providing safe and effective care and for booking and reminders of appointments. Your data is not used for marketing or any other purpose. The clinic owner is the data controller and is responsible for their accuracy and safe-keeping.  Please help to keep your records up to date by informing the clinic of any change of circumstances. 


All information about you is held securely and appropriate safeguards are in place to prevent accidental loss, or access without consent and no records are kept longer than necessary (8 years for adults and for children, until they reach the age of 25). Clinic staff will have some access to your records but are trained in confidentiality.


In almost all circumstances you will be required to give written consent before information is released – such as the reports for insurance, solicitors, GP letters etc. In exceptionally rare circumstances we may be required by law to release your records, for example if a court order is presented, or there is an imminent risk to the life of yourself or others.  


To ensure your privacy, we will not disclose information over the telephone, mail or email unless we are sure that we are communicating directly with you.  Information will not be disclosed to family and friends unless we have prior written consent and we do not leave messages involving personal data with others. If you contact the practice by Facebook messenger, email or via the website contact form, we will use that information to contact you. Otherwise communication is via text through our diary provider Cliniko or telephone. This website (WIx) and Cliniko uses cookies - which are small files - to track your activity on this website. We do not hold any financial data. All payments are processed in the clinic by Zettle and online via Stripe. 


You have a right to access your all your records held at the clinic, and there is usually no fee payable.  All requests for personal data must be made in writing by the patient or legal guardian to:  


The Data Controller: 

The Caring Chiropractor (Supriya Sandhu)

29 St.Clair Street, Kirkcaldy KY1 2NR

01592 201 469


Scanned requests can be emailed to All requests must be signed and dated, and we will also ask you to complete a signed 'release of records' and we may phone you to confirm the request prior to release of any personal information. 


Copies of our full data protection policy are available on request.


How to complain:


If you are worried about our use of your personal information, you can make a complaint to us using the contact details above.


You can also complain to the ICO if you are unhappy with how we have used your data.


The ICO's address:


Information Commissioner's Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane





Helpline : 0303 123 1113



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